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Mathematics Overview & Goals

Mathematics is a discipline that simultaneously offers an excellent supplement to other programs while remaining a rich field of study in its own right. The critical-thinking, problem-solving, and quantitative-reasoning skills learned here serve Bethanians well as productive members of the world in which they immerse themselves upon graduation.

In addition to a solid understanding in the foundations of computational and proof-based mathematics, our major provides a strong opportunity for students to apply their skills to actuarial sciences, computer science, economics, physics, and pure mathematics.

There are numerous research, presentation, and internship opportunities available to a Bethany mathematics major. A minor in mathematics and a dual major with economics are additional options for the interested student in other fields. Our graduates have successfully found homes in financial institutions, engineering, information solutions, and postgraduate research.

students laughing in the library

Areas Of Study

Mathematics (Major, Minor)

CAREERS IN Mathematics

  • Mathematician
  • Actuary
  • Statistical analysis
  • Market research
  • Survey research
  • Financial advisor
  • Cost estimator
  • Real estate appraiser
  • Operations research analyst
  • Logistics
  • Supply chain management
Meet The Faculty
Adam C. Fletcher

Professor of Mathematics

Richardson Hall, 109A

View our course catalogue for the full list of requirements and course descriptions.

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