Student Life
Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
This is what student life is all about.
We have more than 30 different organized activities right on campus, a chance for you to explore your passion, to show who you are, to relax, to enjoy, or to dig in and help the community.
The Student Activities Council, or SAC, is the largest programming group on the Bethany College campus. This group is student-run and gives those students participating a real world experience working with artists. SAC brings a variety of programs to campus each semester, including concerts, comedians, speakers, off-campus trips to places like New York City and Washington, D.C., and a variety of other smaller events throughout the year. All students are welcome to be a part of this group!
Organized activities on campus
The Student Government Association is the guiding body for student life at Bethany College. The SGA consists of three branches: an Executive Branch, a Judicial Branch and a Legislative Branch.
The Student Government Association Executive Branch is made up of the Cabinet. The Cabinet has a President and Vice-President who are elected by the student body. The other SGA Cabinet positions, like Secretary and Treasurer, are appointed by the SGA President. The Cabinet is made up of the following appointed officers, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Clubs/Committees Chair, Clubs/Committees Secretary, Clubs/Committees Parliamentarian, Head of Public Relations, Assistant Public Relations person, Events Coordinator, Web Page Editor.
The student body is given representation in the SGA meeting through their housing units depending of the number of members in each unit. Commuters are also given representation through a commuter representative when the desire is shown.
The judicial branch is made up of the Student Justices, and the student body makes up the legislative branch.
The SGA President meets with the President of the College, the Dean of Faculty, and the Dean of Students whenever necessary. Usually the SGA President meets with the Dean of Students every week to discuss student concerns and what can be done to address problems when they arise.
The SGA administers a student activity fee that is assessed to all full-time students. The money is allotted to the clubs and committees who are recognized by the Student Government Association. The clubs and committees use the money for trips, speakers, and materials for their organizations. Budget hearings are held each semester to decide how much money should be given to each club for the semester.
Student Government Association meets regularly and all meetings are open to the public.
American Chemical Society
American Sign Language
Black Student Union
Business Club
Dance Team
Drama Club
Economics Club
Equestrian Club*
Esports Club*
Greener Bethany
Math and Computer Science Club (Math)
Outdoors Club
Political Science Club
Pre-Health Club
PRSSA (Public Relations)
Psychology Club
Social Awareness Club
Women’s Flag Football Club*
*Annual co-curricular scholarship available for active participants
Governing & Representative Organizations
International Student Association (International)
Student Athletic Advisory Council
Freshman Class Council
Sophomore Class Council
Junior Class Council
Senior Class Council
Language Clubs
German Club
Spanish Club
Alpha Sigma Phi
Beta Theta Pi
Delta Tau Delta
Phi Kappa Tau
Alpha Xi Delta
Phi Mu
Zeta Tau Alpha
Fraternity and Sorority Leadership
Interfraternity Council
Panhellenic Council
If any of the Bethany organizations appeal to you, here are some of the things you can do: Call the Student Affairs (extension 7631) and request the contact person’s name and number for a particular group, look for fliers about upcoming events for this group, attend an SGA meeting, or ask an upperclassman.